Jon Watts Claims There’s One Easter Egg from ‘No Way Home’ That Everyone Missed

According to Jon Watts, the director of Spider-Man: No Way Home, and writer Christopher Ford, there’s still one hidden Easter egg in Tom Holland’s third solo MCU movie that remains undiscovered.
The movie, packed with nods to past Spider-Man films and comics, is a tribute to the character’s two-decade-long cinematic history. Fans have scoured every scene for hidden details, but one Easter egg has slipped through the cracks.
More than three years after the film’s release, this elusive reference is still out there. During a chat with ScreenRant about their upcoming 2025 Star Wars show Skeleton Crew, Watts and Ford revealed the secret:
Jon Watts: I will preface this by saying there is an Easter egg in No Way Home that no one has found. It’s a hard one, but people found a lot of our intentionally placed Easter eggs. There was also a thing where people find Easter eggs that we didn’t put there. We’re like, “Yeah, great.” And then there’s some very, very deep-cut references to dumb videos that Ford and I made on YouTube a long time ago.
Christopher Ford: Yeah, it’s like people pick up the ones that are from super famous movies. And then the ones that are references to our own short films, somehow people don’t know those ones.
The duo admitted that while fans have uncovered many of the more obvious Easter eggs, this particular one is tied to their personal projects, not Marvel lore. Ford added that people easily recognize nods to famous movies but overlook references to their old short films.
So what does this mean for the mystery Easter egg? It’s not your typical Marvel reference. Instead, it likely points to obscure videos that Watts and Ford created before their big Hollywood projects.
Before working on Spider-Man: Homecoming and No Way Home, the pair made short films for a YouTube channel called waverlyflams. If anyone wants to crack this mystery, starting with those videos is probably the way to go.
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