Rami Malek Shares Experience of Being Pushed Onto a Police Car in Racial Profiling Incident

Oscar-winner and ‘Mr. Robot’ star Rami Malek recently shared a troubling experience with the Los Angeles Police Department, where he says he was racially profiled because of his Egyptian heritage.
In an interview with The Guardian, Malek recounted being mistaken for a robbery suspect in an incident that left a lasting impact on him.
He described being thrown onto the hood of a police car after officers claimed he matched the description of a liquor store robbery suspect. “They said the thief was of Latin descent and, ‘You fit the description,'” he said. Malek vividly recalled the heat of the car’s hood burning his hands as he was pressed against it.
Malek was with a friend at the time, who stepped in and explained his ethnicity. “My friend, who was Caucasian, said, ‘Actually, sir, he’s Egyptian. Not Latin.’” Although the officers backed off, Malek said the moment left him feeling deeply uneasy, laughing nervously at the time but realizing how serious it was.
This wasn’t the only time Malek experienced racial discrimination. Growing up in Los Angeles, he said his Egyptian-American identity came with challenges. “I’m what’s called ‘white passing,’ but I have very distinct features, and we definitely didn’t fit in,” he shared, reflecting on the struggles his immigrant family faced.
Even as an adult, Malek encountered extra scrutiny while traveling, with his name and background leading to more checks at airport security. He joked that his fame has made things easier now. “These days, they might pause for a second but then go, ‘Oh, that’s the guy from Bohemian Rhapsody. Let him through.’”
Malek’s story highlights the ongoing problem of racial profiling that many people continue to face. His candid reflections shed light on his personal experiences and stress the importance of addressing issues of race and identity.
What do you think of Rami Malek’s story? Share your thoughts in the comments below.