Fans Rally to Save ‘The Acolyte’ as Petition Gains Momentum and Numbers Impress

Disney’s latest Star Wars project, The Acolyte, has stirred significant controversy since its debut, marked by several incidents and notable cases of review-bombing. The backlash, which exceeded previous Star Wars-related scandals, followed the show through its first and, ultimately, final eight-episode season. Despite the initial outrage, many viewers felt that the final episodes redeemed the series.
Recently, it was reported that Lucasfilm decided not to move forward with a second season, disappointing many fans who had been eagerly anticipating more. This decision sparked renewed debates, with some expressing relief at the show’s conclusion, while others voiced their disappointment.
This report focuses on the latter group—fans who were concerned about the series’ cancellation. They quickly launched an online petition to renew The Acolyte for a second season, and in a short time, the petition has garnered significant support.
As we’ve mentioned, The Acolyte has been canceled by Disney, and a second season isn’t in the cards. This outcome was widely anticipated and accepted as fact, with little anyone could do to change it. While many fans were pleased with the news, it’s important to acknowledge the voices of those who opposed the cancellation.
In response, a group of dedicated fans launched an online petition advocating for the show’s return for another season. In a short time, the petition amassed nearly 17,500 supporters—a noteworthy number. The petition’s author explained the motivation behind this effort as follows:
The Acolyte opened the doors for so many Star Wars fans, new and old, to feel seen. To feel welcomed and accepted by an IP and fandom that hadn’t previously been so for anyone who didn’t check off certain boxes. Not only that, but The Acolyte became a beacon for representation that many fans have felt was lacking in the Star Wars universe for decades.
With both creators and actors that truly understood the world of Star Wars, The Acolyte quickly became a fan favorite because of the clear passion and love shown in the work, and the drive to give us something new and fresh to fall in love with. New characters with new stories that still existed within the same galaxies we cherished.
Regardless of the orchestrated review bombing by a small faction of loud trolls, and all of the other obstacles this show had to face straight out the gate, it trended repeatedly throughout and after the show aired. It has a very dedicated fanbase, willing to fight for its continuation. It’s a story that deserves to be told.
As you can see, the intentions behind the petition are sincere, and it’s steadily gaining traction. While it’s unlikely to sway Lucasfilm’s decision, it’s clear that the series has a dedicated fan base.
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