Transformers War For Cybertron To Hit Netflix In 2020. Will It Be Good?

It’s been a long time coming but the Transformers franchise is about to do something that actually makes sense. After a string of lacklustre and haphazardly strung together movies, the Transformers franchise is about to launch a new television series on Netflix. The show, titled Transformers War For Cybertron will explore the past history of the Autobots and Decepticons. John Derderian, the Director of Anime said the animated show will explore, “the expansive universe of Cybertron in a way that audiences have never seen before,”.
The show promises a fresh take on the decades-old robots that will showcase a new style of animation. If you’re worried that outsiders looking to bring the Transformers to life will only fail, worry not. The show will include veteran Transformers writers George Krstic and Gavin Hignight. Both writers have worked on series’s within the animated universe.
Transformers, specifically the movies, have repeatedly failed to generate any sort of critical acclaim in recent years. Most critics praise the movies for their visually breathtaking look. However, beyond that, each movie has not been able to generate any sort of character depth or backstory that viewers actually care about.
This started the change late 2018 with the release of the first standalone movie, Bumblebee. Bumblebee was a dramatic departure from the previous Michael Bay-led movies. It had character development, an entertaining story, and heart. Seeing that Hasbro wants to capitalize on this in a different format comes a no surprise.
Animated Transformers movies and television shows for that matter, have historically done well. Transformer War For Cybertron should be no different. I think that Senior Vice President of the Transformers franchise for Hasbro, Tom Warner said it best when he said, “Transformers has a rich history of great storytelling and War for Cybertron is an exciting new chapter in the Transformers Universe.”
Transformers War For Cybertron is scheduled to hit Netflix in 2020.
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