Moon Knight vs. Daredevil: Who Is Stronger and Who Would Win in a Fight?

In the world of comics, there have been numerous opportunities to play out the character vs. character scenario. You’ve seen it, your neighbor has seen it, and I’ve seen it. That’s what’s great about comics. Endless possibilities for the fans (you and I) to play out in our minds. In the case of Moon Knight vs. Daredevil. we take two characters I really enjoy through their respective storytelling. Both are expert martial artists with amazing moves, and both have some pretty amazing feats behind them. Having said that, if it ever came to a battle between Moon Knight and Daredevil, who would win?
Moon Knight would win in a battle against Daredevil but only under the condition that lunar cycles are strong. Besides that, the two are pretty evenly matched, and the fight could go either way. Both are capable fighters, and both have disabilities that can prove cripling at times. But, when it comes to superpowers, Moon Knight, under the influence of Lunar cycles, is superior.
Just so you know, this is a dream battle for me as I am a fan of both characters. So, when it comes down to this throwdown, it will be based on what each of them brings to the table. And by table, I don’t mean the picnic table where you eat your macaroni salad at. Without further ado, let’s get this slugfest on and analyze who is stronger, Moon Knight or Daredevil.
Powers and abilities
Daredevil is in peak physical condition. He is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and is a highly skilled acrobat. He has heightened senses that enable him to move and navigate the world around him. He is also skilled in using a Billy Club. He is intelligent and possesses a vast knowledge of the legal system as a lawyer. He approaches everything analytically and has great detective skills, and is a superb tracker.
Moon Knight also has detective skills, he is likewise a master hand-to-hand combatant. He has increased strength, agility, and endurance if the Lunar cycle is right. He is a boxer and mercenary and is skilled with a variety of weapons. He also has a more powerful suit that is able to protect him from damage. Moon Knight is likewise richer and has vastly more resources at his disposal.
As you can see from the analysis of Daredevil’s and Moon Knight’s powers and abilities, the two are pretty evenly matched. Moon Knight, in theory, has superpowers at his disposal, but they rely on luck too much, so it’s not something that he can consistently count on. When it comes to regular abilities and something that both can hold onto, they are evenly matched, as some of their abilities are pretty much identical. Both get the point, at least here.
Points: Moon Knight (1:1) Daredevil
Daredevil’s costume can sustain damage, so he is more vulnerable. He has a hard time controlling his emotions, and that can derail his concentration. He is vulnerable to loud sounds that can weaken his radar sense, and his blindness limits him.
Moon Knight is, on the other hand, more vulnerable if the lunar cycle is not strong. Lunar cycles are to him what Kryptonite is to Superman. He is also somewhat mentally unstable. But when it comes to weaknesses, it’s easier to monopolize Daredevil’s weakness and disable his radar ability than it is to defeat Moon Knight, even when the cycle is not right. Besides, Daredevil in his suit is, by default, more vulnerable than Moon Knight in his adamantium suit. This point goes to Moon Knight.
Points: Moon Knight (2:1) Daredevil
Daredevil vs. Moon Knight: Who wins?
Daredevil could win if Moon Knight is in a weaker state due to the lunar cycles not enhancing his powers, BUT Moon Knight could win if he has the enhanced powers. Just like the toss of a coin, they have a 50/50 chance of seeing the battle favor one of them.
Let’s say they just decided to have a friendly wager and see who could go the distance. No real reason for the fighting, just two heroes trying to win their respected gloating rights.
Here is where it gets tricky. There are really no superpowers being used in this battle unless the Lunar Circles increase Moon Knight’s abilities, but that depends on which moon you are getting. Yes, ha ha ha, the moon jokes.
All joking aside, if that did happen, the edge would go slightly to Moon Knight. Again, remember this depends on the night the two square off.
If there was no special moon and they battled…Both are skilled hand-to-hand warriors, and in this case, it would be like Rocky and Apollo going 12 rounds and no decision being made. After that, it becomes apparent that they shake each other’s hands and go out for milkshakes.