Shawn Levy Says That ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Is Not ‘Deadpool 3’ for a Very Good Reason

‘Deadpool’ franchise used to belong to Fox, just like most mutant-related properties. Dozens of movies existed in their separate universe, long before MCU was even a thing, and they were successful.
The first two Deadpool movies were massive hits, so as soon as Disney merged with Fox we knew that it was only a matter of time before Deadpool would make a jump to the MCU, and Marvel Studios would reboot the live-action X-Men movie, bringing some of the most popular characters from the comics into the fold.
Following CinemaCon Marvel Studios presentation, the first 9 minutes of the upcoming movie was shown to the attendees, and the “reviews” were glowing. Following the event Shawn Levy talked to Collider and explained ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ position within the franchise overall, and no, the upcoming movie is not a sequel to ‘Deadpool 2’ despite looking like it.
“Well, the truth is, I think your answer is in the question, which is if you make the kinds of movies I make, you are listening to the audience. I’m not making small films for my own satisfaction in a room alone, I’m making it to connect to the biggest audience possible. We have had some early screenings that were extremely, extremely promising. I wouldn’t say that there were any big surprises, but you feel where the pace wants to tighten, you feel where you can afford to slow down and have a deeper, more durable character moment. And at the end of the day, as I think we’ve said, it’s very much a Deadpool movie, but this is not Deadpool 3. This is Deadpool & Wolverine, and it is singular because of that.”
‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ is both a crossover movie and a reboot of the franchise. Deadpool is after all leaving the established Fox universe and heading in a completely different direction. The fact that Wolverine is bound (hopefully) to be a big part of the movie also separates it from the rest of the movie.
Shawn also commented on what it felt like to see the audience react to the 9-minute footage.
“You know what else? I didn’t want to show 90 seconds, I didn’t want to show a sizzle reel. We wanted to show a taste of the movie. We wanted to do it without spoilers. And yeah, it was a lot of set-up, it was a lot of first act type storytelling, but the fact that those scenes, which aren’t even near our funniest or our most insane, those jokes, and those moments played the way they did today, that was pretty thrilling. I was standing in the dark side of the theater with Kevin [Feige], and we had smiles on our faces seeing the way it was received.”
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