Director Matthew Vaughn on ‘Deadpool 3’: “It’s Going To Bring That Body Back to Life”

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Out of all the MCU movies slated to be released in the next few years, none is as hyped as ‘Deadpool 3,’ and fans are truly expecting a cinematic experience that far surpasses the rest of the MCU lineup. Why? Because the studio itself is expecting it to be a “life-saver.”

Ever since we heard that the new Deadpool is in development as a part of the MCU franchise the movie seemingly had everything working in its favor. Hugh Jackman is returning as Wolverine, it’s going to be R-rated, and it’s going to feature Multiverse and plenty of cameos from the beloved Fox’s X-Men franchise. According to some rumors, it’s also going to feature Taylor Swift in a yet undisclosed role.

The fact that Marvel Studios is also counting on ‘Deadpool 3’ to stop their ever-increasing losses regarding the movies is further supported by the fact that ‘Deadpool 3’ looks to be the only movie to release in 2024. The announcement was made via official schedule just weeks after Bob Iger announced that they should focus on quality and not quantity.

Fans are properly hyped for the movie, with every leaked detail, image, and statement being analyzed for days, and according to Matthew Vaughn, this interest is properly directed as ‘Deadpool 3’ is going to save the MCU according to his statement made on Brobible Podcast.

The few snippets that I know about ‘Deadpool vs. Wolverine’ — or ‘Wolverine vs. Deadpool’, I’m sure that argument between Ryan and Hugh is happening as we speak — are unbelievable.

That’s going to be the jolt… the Marvel universe is about to have a jolt of them and it’s going to bring that body back to life… I think Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are about to save the whole Marvel universe.

‘X-Men: First Class’ Director also added that ‘Deadpool 3’ will provide Marvel Studios with a perfect platform to tell more X-Men movies in the future.

I’m a genuine fan of the X-Men, all I want is for the movies to be as good as they should be


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No matter what you expect the movie to be and what it actually turns out to be, it’s perhaps setting some unrealistic standards for itself, since Deadpool was never meant to be the core of the MCU and it’s a bit ridiculous to leave an entire interconnected universe to hang in the balance that depends on the release of a comedy movie, but isn’t that the most Deadpool thing ever? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

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