Gina Carano Returns, Targets ‘Star Wars’ Legend Mark Hamill Over Trump Joke… But She’s Not Biased, Right?

Guess who’s back—your favorite actress who can’t help but stir the pot. Yes, we’re talking about Gina Carano, once again speaking out against satire while claiming she’s not targeting anyone, but rather the victim of Disney’s corporate agenda. And here we are, yet again…
This time, Carano’s set her sights on Mark Hamill. Again. How many times has Mark Hamill mentioned Gina Carano? Zero. How many times has he responded to her? Zero. You can look it up. After her latest attempt to mock Hamill, we came across an even older tweet where she criticizes him. And why? Politics, of course.
In a long-winded tweet, Carano reacted to one of Hamill’s posts where he made a joke about Trump, suggesting Trump’s prayer looked more like he was asleep. Carano, in her usual style, jumped in to criticize it and, somehow—though we still don’t know how—managed to make it about herself. When it wasn’t.
In a lengthy tweet from July that we tracked down, Carano lashed out at Mark Hamill for making a joke about Trump. Here’s what she said:
If you’re unable to view it for any reason, here’s the full message:
It’s called praying Mark. Trump was closing his eyes in prayer. The man was just shot a few days ago, almost losing his life and another man took that bullet and died protecting his family. What happened to all that talk about not spreading misinformation and disinformation?
Just doesn’t count when you do it huh? Rules for thee.. not for me. How’s that white democrat male privilege treating you? Been fired from any jobs recently? It really makes you wonder what the deep state has on you for you to have your head so permanently jammed up their ass to where all you’ve become is their walking, talking piece of dung.
Have you enjoyed all your political free speech and Hitler analogies without any repercussions the past 8 years. Don’t worry, we have them all saved. Strange you weren’t cancelled or called out for any of it. I wonder if that time is fast approaching for you. Have a good nap.
In short, Mark Hamill compared Trump’s post-assassination prayer to someone asleep. Trump wasn’t actually sleeping (though there are videos of him dozing off!), but Hamill’s satirical comment was far from harmful or malicious. These kinds of comparisons are commonplace.
Yet, as usual with Gina Carano, she managed to make it about herself. Neither Trump nor Hamill mentioned her, but she found a way to insert herself into the narrative—something she does quite often. Of course, Hitler made an appearance in her argument, but when Carano continually references the Holocaust and Hitler’s dictatorship in such a misguided way, it brings to mind Montoya’s famous line from The Princess Bride: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
At this point, it’s beyond politics—it’s about principles. Initially, Carano claimed she wasn’t a right-wing extremist, saying the situation had been blown out of proportion by Disney, which she accused of targeting her for her views. However, with each new comment, it becomes increasingly clear she’s been misleading fans all along.
While we may not agree with her views, as Voltaire famously said, we defend her right to express them. She’s entitled to her opinion and to share it publicly. But at the very least, she should own up to who she is, instead of playing the victim. It’s becoming quite ridiculous.
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