Darth Vader vs. Darth Revan: Which Sith Would Win in a Fight?

One of the things that we know about the world of Star Wars is that many different characters have appeared in the lore of this galaxy and have all been very powerful in their own right. Of course, Darth Vader was the strongest at the time of the entire Skywalker Saga, but we can’t forget about Darth Revan, who may or may not be canon but was still very strong thousands of years before Vader’s own time. So, in a fight between Vader and Revan, who would win?
Darth Vader would likely win in a fight against Darth Revan because he has beaten some of the best Jedi Masters of his era and has Force powers unmatched by anyone in the recent history of Star Wars. Revan may be powerful, but his powers were quite overblown by the Legends storyline.
People often forget that Darth Revan’s feats were products of just how exaggerated the powers of Legends characters are. But if we were to scale his powers to the consistency of the canon feats of some of the strongest Force wielders, he would still be very strong but probably wouldn’t be the strongest. Nevertheless, we’re sure that he can still give Darth Vader a good fight. Now, let’s look at this conversation in greater detail.
Physical attributes
Before he became the cyborg monster that he eventually became known for, Darth Vader was a very quick and agile fighter that could overwhelm his opponents in a blink of an eye.
But because Vader lost his limbs and got hampered by the fact that he is now more of a cyborg than a man, he became slower. Despite that, he became much stronger as he could now carry the entire weight of a grown man without much effort and even lift himself out of tough situations using his raw physical strength.
Known as a legendary human Force wielder, Darth Revan wasn’t superhuman in terms of his physical abilities but was actually one of the most skilled Force wielders of his time.
He was trained in the ways of the Jedi and the Sith, and that means that he knows how to augment his physical abilities with the power of both sides of the Force. He is trained enough to move just as fast or even faster than normal humans and has peak-human strength levels.
Like all Jedi and Sith, Revan is fast, agile, and strong. But Darth Vader’s strength is something else when compared to what Revan and other Sith Lords could do. That’s why he takes this round.
Vader 1, Revan 0
Lightsaber skills
Like all Jedi and Sith, Darth Vader was trained well in the art of lightsaber combat but quickly overtook some of the greatest Jedi of his time because of his exceptional gifts as a lightsaber duelist. Vader used to be very agile and quick in terms of his style but was able to transition into a more methodical way of using Form V: Djem So and its fundamentals.
As such, he uses his combat form really well because he understands when it is time for him to defend and when he needs to overwhelm his opponents using flurries. This is why Vader defeated some of the most prominent Jedi Masters of his time.
During his era, Darth Revan was supposedly one of the greatest duelists and is said to be better than any other duelists of that time. He was said to be a master of the acrobatic lightsaber combat form known as Form IV: Ataru, which utilizes an offensive style that can overwhelm opponents quickly but lacks the defensive capabilities of the other styles.
Nevertheless, Revan was able to minimize the weaknesses of Ataru using his incredible skills as a lightsaber duelist. And that’s why he defeated powerful opponents, such as Mandalore the Ultimate.
While it might be true that Darth Revan’s skills were exceptional, let’s not forget that Vader’s Djem So often performs really well against Revan’s Ataru. On top of that, Vader’s physical strength should be able to break through whatever defenses Revan’s lightsaber form has.
Vader 2, Revan 0
Force powers
Anakin Skywalker was born with the highest Midi-chlorian count of all time, which means that he was born with the highest potential in the Force because he was supposed to be the Chosen One. In that regard, Anakin was supposed to be the greatest of all time until he fell to the dark side and got injured in his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi. While his potential greatly dropped due to his injuries, Vader was fueled by his rage, anger, and hatred.
And that was why he was incredibly strong in the Force and could easily overpower anyone else with his Force powers and could even pull an entire ship from the air using his Force pull.
While we do know that Legends characters tend to have overblown stories, there’s a good chance that Darth Revan would soon become canon, especially because he has always been one of the most popular Legends characters of all time. Revan was known for being an exceptionally strong Force wielder because he understood how to use both the light and the dark sides extremely well.
And as a master of telekinesis, he could use two additional lightsabers with the Force and even wield those lightsabers with such skill that it was as if he was using them with his hands.
When it comes to Legends characters, we can’t help but think about how overblown their powers are and how exaggerated their feats can be. That means that Revan was a bit exaggerated in terms of his abilities. And this is why we are giving this round to Vader unless Revan sees a canon version that still displays the same abilities that he displayed in the Legends stories.
Vader 3, Revan 0
Before he fell to the dark side, Anakin was a great leader who could inspire his men and give them a reason to be loyal to them as he focused on making sure that they won the battle with minimal casualties, albeit with high risk involved. As a leader, both Anakin and Vader were great at using unconventional tactics that allowed them to win numerous battles.
But while Anakin was more of a true leader, Vader instilled fear into the hearts of his men to make them compliant with his every order. And the problem with Vader was that he was a bit too emotional and cavalier regarding some of his decisions.
Darth Revan was always a powerful Sith Lord and Jedi that could lead people with his charisma and innate leadership skills. He was known for being a great strategist and exceptionally skilled in planning for the future.
As powerful as he was in the Force, he was an even better leader. And this allowed him and his men to gain the advantage over their enemies as he always used the logical approach when making decisions on the battlefield.
Even though Vader’s ability to command was exceptional, he took unnecessary risks and was a bit too emotional when it came to some of his decisions. On the other hand, Revan was always more logical and level-headed.
Vader 3, Revan 1
In terms of his experience, Vader isn’t lacking because he fought in the Clone Wars and went on to fight a lot of times during the Imperial era when he was hunting down Jedi and Rebels.
In fact, he was almost always hunting down potential threats to the Empire when he was tasked with enforcing the Empire’s laws. And he spent more than 20 years fighting on the frontlines both in the Clone Wars and as an Imperial hunting dog.
The thing that needs to be considered about the era of the Old Republic is that this was a very chaotic era wherein the Jedi and the Sith were constantly warring with one another.
There were always battles and wars to be fought between both sides and between different parties. In most cases, Revan was there to fight on the battlefield as one of the top Force wielders of either the Jedi or the Sith. As such, he experienced plenty of battles and wars.
Revan lived during a much more chaotic era, which gives him the edge here. Of course, Vader also fought many battles, but Revan fought battles against plenty of Jedi and Sith.
Vader 3, Revan 2
Darth Vader vs. Darth Revan: Who wins?
When it comes right down to it, this should be a very tough fight between the two Sith Lords. Vader is raw power and skill personified because he is physically stronger, has better lightsaber skills, and is stronger in the Force. But of course, Revan isn’t much weaker than Vader in those areas and has the advantage in terms of his leadership skills and experience. As such, while we believe Vader would win this fight, Revan would make it hard for him to do so.
Who do you think would win in this fight? Let us know in the comments!