From Pet Avengers to Silk: Unveiling Ig Guara’s Marvelous Journey

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Ig Guara has nearly a decade of experience of experience in the comic book industry. He took part in bringing both Marvel and DC comic characters to life and got to work on some of the most awesome projects imaginable. Ig Guara’s impressive portfolio includes contributions to DC Comics’ universe, with his illustrations gracing the pages of titles like ‘Batman: Arkham Knight,’ ‘Teen Titans,’ and ‘Blue Beetle.’ On the other hand, Marvel Comics enthusiasts have been treated to Ig’s distinctive style in titles such as ‘All-New Wolverine’ and the delightfully charming ‘Pet Avengers.’

But nowadays, Ig is on a different type of tourney, bringing Cindy Moon’s journey to life with his impressive art. Let’s see what he has to say about the series.

Comic Basics: Can you tell us about your journey into the world of comics and how you got started as an artist?

Ig Guara: I started working as an illustrator for Marketing Agencies when I was 16. When some friends started writing for old RPG magazines and books, they asked me to do some illustrations.

I worked as an illustrator for a while, but my love was always comics and storytelling. But it was hard at the time, especially living outside the US. The illustration work got me in contact with an agency that worked with comic artists, and they asked me for some test pages. It took a couple of tries, but finally, I got my first gig at Marvel Adventures Avengers!


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You’ve worked on various projects, including both DC and Marvel. What major differences did you notice between the two publishers, and whose world do you prefer?

The biggest difference, I think, Is in the format of the stories and how the characters are portrayed. Marvel has a more human side, while DC gets a little more classical and larger-than-life approach. From a work perspective, it depends more on the team than the publisher.

As a father and an artist, how do your personal experiences and interests influence your work in the industry?

For me, it got easier to relate with characters that are parents and to stories that involve family dynamics and relationships. I guess we get a more mature look at things, like getting old and the responsibilities of taking care of someone.

My daughter also loves comics. She even works on her own, so I try to make things she would like to read when she reaches the appropriate age as well. I’m not always successful, but I try.

What was your favorite part of working on ‘Silk’?

Two things: trying to come up with different styles for different dreams and the relationship between Cindy and Albert.

How did you adapt Cindy Moon’s spider-suit to fit her new role and setting?

With lots of research, lol. I tried to look at the clothing style of each time or genre and then tried to mix it with Silk’s suit. The noir was the hardest but also the one I liked the

How did you work with writer Emily Kim to bring Cindy’s character to life in this alternate universe? How did you approach the noir theme?

I worked with her to get the designs and atmosphere right for Silk and the villains. As I said, I did a lot of research, looking at Noir movies and some Spider-man Noir comics as well.


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Do you have any favorite panel from the series? Or a panel that was most challenging to work on?

I think it would be a tie between the double page as Cindy and Albert run through various dreams and the last page with the siblings bonding with each other. For a challenging panel, I think the ones with the pirate ships and the Noir suit reveal.

Are there any other characters or comic series that you dream of working on in the

Well, I love the spider family as a whole, especially Miles and Gwen. I am also a big fan of the new generation of Mutants.

Lastly, can you share any upcoming projects or collaborations you’re excited about? (If you are free to talk about them.)

Nothing I can tell ATM.

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